Family Centropomidae, SNOOKS Centropomus ensiferus
Description: smallest of the snooks; profile slightly concave; prominent lateral line outlined in black (not solid), extends through caudal fin; color yellow-green to brown-green above, silvery below; giant second anal spine, hence the name; largest scales of all snook.
Similar Fish: other Centropomus.
Where found: occurs in INSHORE estuarine habitats from south Florida to as far north on east coast as St. Lucie River.
Size: usually less than 1 pound (12 inches).
*Florida Record: n/a
Remarks: full-grown adults are less than 12 inches long; mangrove shoreline habitat serves as nursery area for young; rare on Florida's west coast; prefers only slightly brackish or fresh water.
* The Florida records quoted are from the Department of Environmental Protection's printed publication, Fishing Lines and are not necessarily the most current ones. The records are provided as only as a benchmark.
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