Family Lamnidae, MACKEREL SHARKS Isurus oxyrinchus
Description: lunate tail with similarily sized lobes; lateral keel at the base of the tail; deep blue back and white underside; underside of sharply pointed snout white; origin of first dorsal entirely behind base of pectoral fins; second dorsal fin slightly in front of anal fin; slender, recurved teeth with smooth edge.
Similar Fish: white shark, Carcharoden carcharias; longfin mako, Isurus paucus.
Where found: OFFSHORE fish often seen near the surface.
Size: commonly 6 to 8 feet (200 to 300 pounds).
*Florida Record: 911 lbs, 12 ozs.
Remarks: active, strong swimming fish known for leaping out of the water when hooked; feeds on mackerel, tuna, sardines, and some much larger fish.
* The Florida records quoted are from the Department of Environmental Protection's printed publication, Fishing Lines and are not necessarily the most current ones. The records are provided as only as a benchmark.
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